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Why Does My Dog Keep Trying To Hump Me ?

Why Does My Dog Keep Trying To Hump Me ?

You simply don't allow it! When the dog does this, they get a sharp verbal reprimand and pushed off. They' will get the idea soon enough.

But as we always say we are not professional on that but we do have experience and that is why we answer all this questions , but i am also going to give you a person who is a professional and have videos on how to stop your dog humping you and more. 

Humping is can be a dominance thing. He could be trying to assert his dominance over you which is not good. You need to assert yourself as pack leader, and he needs to learn his place in the pack as a subordinate.Otherwise you could end up with an out of control dog that does what he wants when he wants as you have indirectly told him he is the boss. Sucessful human dog relationships depend on the hiumans of the household being dominant, not the dog. 

Having said that dominace doesnt mean intimidation or physical punishment, but earning the dogs respect by showing yourself to be a a firm/consistant but fair pack leader. When he humps push him down with a firm NO! Then tell him to sit. If he sits praise him. You may also need to make sure that he isnt allowed up on couches/beds/peoples laps (that could give him the idea that hes top dog). Giving him his meal AFTER (not before) you and your family have eaten may also help as the pack leader always eats first before subordinates are allowed to feed. 

Make sure you are consistant, otherwise he will get confused and not know where he stands. Attending a few dog training classes or getting a qualified dog behaviourist in to help work with you and your dog will definately help establish a healthy human/dog relationship.


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