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How To Train Your Cat Fast

How To Train Your Cat Fast

I've teach my cat to do all sort of tricks. Sit, lie down, spin, give right paw, give left paw, Gimme five (easy trick that people love) and he's also trained to follow me at my side and stop when I stop. It's actually very easy to do all those tricks. There is two basic thing to know. 
1- Repetition : Cat will take around 25 repetition in order for the trick to become kind of natural 
2- Decompose : Each trick has to be strip down step by step and learned one step at a time, assimilating one step perfectly before beginning the next. One person here gave you the trick to do the spinning. That's exactly how it should be done although it's missing something. The gesture before the trick is very important. For me, I'm doing a fast and small circle with my hand (wrist twist) and then I get the cat to follow my hand with the treat to spin. Every times he gets it right I do the wrist twist and go around faster and faster and getting the circle around him smaller. Repeat this until you get to the original movement (wrist twist) 

You'll want to associate a word and a gesture. The goal is to be able to get your cat to do the trick only on a gesture. Here are the rules. 

1) When you give a command you say it only once. Most people will repeat the word when kitty is not reacting. So if kitty does the trick after the forth repetition and you give him his treat, you're basicly telling him that he should perform the trick after you've said the word 4 times. Say it once and Just wait. Your cat will try different things before doing the tricks. If you feel you've lost his attention then you should stand up and begin all over again. 

2) Don't give the treat everytime. Use the 'Rule of 3' with a cat. A cat will often remember something at long term once he has repeated it 3 times in a row. So if you give a treat 3 times in a row when he perform a trick, he will expect the forth and all the following trick to get a treat. So you should never give a treat the third time and only use 'Good boy' and petting the cat like you should do everytime he does a trick (wether he gets a treat or not). That way your cat will never know if he's getting a treat out of a trick and the only way for him to know is to do the trick. The easier the tricks gets, the less treat you should give and only use 'good boy' so that in long term, you don't have to have treat anymore. 

Don't do the trick at the same time of the day, try to do it everyday three or four times and he shoudl respond to the word after a month. Attention span of a cat is between 5 and 10 minutes. So don't get long training session but rather short but often during the day. 

NEVER punish a cat for not doing a trick. Unlike dogs, you cannot train a cat with a retribution technic. 

Sitting : Easiest trick. Take a treat between your finger pointing up (not down). Put it just before the nose of your cat and say `sit``. He will surely get up on is rear legs to get it. At that point just get the treat toward his rear over is nose to force him to sit. The second he sits, you give him the treat and congratulate him while petting him. Do not wait. It must be instantanious. If you wait too long he lift his bottom off the floor and if you give him the treat, you basicly teaching him to sit and get up instead of just sitting. Remember the Rule of 3 

Give paw : Find a gesture (for me it's the same as sitting but instead of having my finger pointing up, there pointing one the side of the paw I want him to give. That way I can say give Left paw or Right Paw...people gets very impress because most dog don't do this. Your cat will try to get it with his mouth but should also try with his paw. The minute the paw hits your hand you give the treats, congratulate...etc. 

Give me Five : Once your cat has learn how to give paw, you can do the Gimme five trick. Just place a treat between two finger hands open like you would if you'd want your cat to give you a High Five and put it just in front of him over his head. Your cat will raise his paw becauce he learned the give paw trick. Always Respect the gesture, treat and congratulation sequence. 

Put a treat on the floor and tell you cat to wait your signal to eat it : also very easy. Just put a treat on the floor and say ``Wait`` while putting your hand over the treat as a stop sign. If you cat go for it, lower your stop hand to block him. IF still tries to get it by pushing your hand, just take the treat back and begin all over again. If he stop and tries to go around your hand just follow him. Once you get your cat to wait a bit, give to GO signal pointing the treat with your index. The first couple of time try to coordinate your Go signal with your cat going for it after he has wait. Then wait longer and longer before giving the GO signal. Remove the treat if he does not wait and begin again. Many cat will lie down while waiting. This is the perfect time to teach him to lie down. Just make a gesture to lie down and the minute he does it....you know the drill. 


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